Saturday, May 4, 2013

Nîmes and the Arenes

We entered the town expecting to see the famed arena, but what we found was a Roman games festival. To enter the arena, today only, it was 25 euros. We declined. Musee de Beaux-artes was more interesting and cost us nothing. Afterwords we enjoyed pizza, seize-her salad and biere in honor of the Roman festival.


  1. Haha ... "sieze her!-salad". Love it! I am so jealous of your being in France.

  2. Lynne, we are having a great time. It seems like every time we turn around there is something new and wonderful...and it is time to eat again.

  3. I like the cage Les. Is that what they do to people who park illegally?

  4. Yeah Frank, if you don't drive away really fast they cage you until you pay or through you to the gladiators in the arena.
